“ A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other. ” Charles Dickens

4 Easy Steps to Better Memory

The Article below shares 4 steps that we can take in order to develop better memory. In short they are:

Have a memory palace: It turns out, that when we were hunters and gatherers, our ancestors did not need to remember shopping lists to go grocery shopping, they needed to remember were places, and routes so they knew how to get back to their home (or cave?). This means that our brains are wired to remember things better if we think of them visually (pictures) and spatially (routes) rather than words on a list. Below are 4 steps to start building your own memory palace.

1) Build your palace: Chose a building you know the layout of (the home you have lived longest in)

2) Construct Images: Items you want to remember need to be associated with images you wont forget.

3) Place images in the right place: Place items you need to remember along a path in yout memory palace (maybe the route from the front door to your room?).

4) Go for a walk to recall: visually walk the route in your mind and see all of the images you laid out in the walk associated with the things you need to remember, the crazier the image the easier it will be for you to remember!

Click the link below to read the full explanation of the method!

Click Here for original article

verified by Psychology Today